13 June, 2007

Hello, my name is...

It's review season, and if you're the type who's kept your head down and worked hard and expect to be rewarded appropriately, it's time to take your head out of the sand. You work for Microsoft, where a good review really isn't about what you did but what your manager and your management chain thinks you did.

So what can you do to change the perception battle and maximize your merit, bonus and stock award?

* Do right by the company by doing good work and being customer-focused.
* Ask your manager how you're doing at least quarterly and what you can do to earn a better rating.
* Get in front of your skip-level and above managers in person, via email or at group events and tell them about the wonderful things you're doing and have done.
* Always tell them your name, your role and your manager's name.
* Cultivate internal business partners that can provide positive feedback for you.
* CYA. Document everything that can impact your review - good and bad. Don't let someone else spin your history for lack of evidence on your part.
* Keep at this through July and mid-August as calibration meeting are occurring. You want name recognition when your name appears on a list that your GM/VP has to sign off on for bonus, merit and stock awards.
* If your manager sucks at vouching for you, make sure you have a good relationship with your skip-level.
* Screwed for this year? Sandbag your commitments for next year and work hard on managing management's perception of you.

Good luck, and don't forget to tick all those boxes in the Performance tool.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is...Screwed!!!

    Exceeded and Strong last year. Spent all year telling my manager (an anointed Partner) that I want a level bump this year. Executed strategically across the division all year.

    And still I have zero, less than zero hope that anything will happen there. I can hear it already. "We really wanted to do this, but our promotion budget just didn't seem to allow it, only 'small number' of 64 to 65 promotions were given in the entire division this year"

    Aaaaaaaaaargh, guess I have to enjoy my 2% raise.
